
Display/Unhide the database window

There are different ways that the database window can be hidden in Access 2003/XP/2000/97. As a result, there are also different methods for displaying a hidden database window. We'll go through the options from the easily method to the most difficult.

Method #1

This is the easiest and most common method of unhiding a database window.
Under the Window menu, select Unhide.

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When the "Unhide Window" appears, select the database window that you wish to unhide and click on the OK button. In this case, our database is called Testing.
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Method #2

Now in a more complicated situation. You might open the Access database and find that most of your menus are hidden and that there is not an Unhide option under the Window menu.
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In this case, try pressing the F11 key. This should bring up the database menu automatically.

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